. Banner Image by Michael Leahy

Planned Giving

Laguna Legacy Society  •  Will or Trust  •  Life Insurance Beneficiary  •  Retirement Plan

To ensure the Laguna remains a healthy resource for all time, the Laguna Foundation plays a crucial role. By advocating for the Laguna, restoring its health, and facilitating community engagement and education, the Foundation strives to protect and preserve this natural wonder. Your contribution through a bequest or planned gift can help sustain the Laguna Foundation's efforts. Your support will ensure that we continue to protect, restore, and educate the public about the Laguna de Santa Rosa, securing its place in our community's future. Join us in safeguarding this vital ecosystem for generations to come.

"Leave a true legacy for your children and future generations.
One sure way is to include the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation in your estate plans.
I invite you to join me."
–Chris Engel

Laguna Legacy Society

Download our Legacy Member Brochure

Help us ensure the Laguna remains a thriving part of our community for generations to come! By including the Laguna Foundation in your will or estate plan, you can make a lasting impact on our mission to protect and preserve this vital ecosystem. Your contribution will support our efforts to safeguard the Laguna's health and beauty.

When you let us know about your planned gift, we'll gratefully recognize your generosity, invite you to join our esteemed Laguna Legacy Society, and treat you to an exclusive annual outing with our staff for a behind-the-scenes exploration. Your support will make a real difference in preserving the Laguna's legacy.

Your gift can be directed to support the Laguna Foundation in various ways. You can choose to contribute to our general operations, or designate your support for specific purposes. For example, you could help enhance the legacy of our Uplands Preserve, ensuring the preservation of its beautiful trails and wildlife habitat. Alternatively, you might consider funding a year of our Learning Laguna program, which educates 1,500 elementary school students annually about wetlands and the Laguna ecosystem. Another impactful option is to establish an endowment for maintaining the grounds at our newly established Laguna Learning Center, ensuring it remains a valuable community asset for years to come.

We welcome your input and would love to hear from you about any other ideas you may have for supporting the Laguna Foundation's mission. Let's work together to secure a vibrant future for the Laguna and its surrounding community.

Will or Trust

A charitable bequest is the most common way for individuals to remember the Laguna Foundation in their will or trust. Discuss with your financial advisor about adding an amendment, called a codicil, to your will or living trust. Below is suggested language for your attorney to review and include in your will or trust:

“I give devise and bequeath to the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation (Tax I.D.#94-3155180 located in Santa Rosa, California, the sum of ____ dollars ($____) (or state a percentage of your estate, or describe real or personal property, including the exact location for general purposes, or specify the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation program you wish to support).”

Life Insurance Beneficiary

Leaving the Laguna Foundation as your beneficiary in your insurance policy is a relatively easy way for donors to leave a lasting gift, or for those who are new to endowed philanthropy.

Retirement Plan

IRA or Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations may be a bit more complex than bequests or life insurance, but have become more popular in recent years.

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The Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation considers your information confidential. We encourage you to discuss your planned gift with your personal financial and tax advisors.. The above is for informational purposes only, and not intended to be tax or legal advice.

For more information, contact Sierra Castillo, Development Program Manager
by email or by calling (707) 527-9277 xt. 109